History of Chocolate: What Year was Chocolate Invented?

History of Chocolate

History of chocolate is not very well-known. Can you tell what year was chocolate invented? That’s the fun thing! WHO IS THE CREATOR of this delightful treat? And when was it created. Sure, everyone loves a bar of chocolate every now and then. After all, chocolate is irresistible. But what is the true history of chocolate? If you want to find the answers to these questions, read this blog to the very end. Clearly, this blog will be your guide to chocolate’s history. From its creation to tasting and evolution through the years, we will try to cover everything we can in this blog.

History of Chocolate – Let’s Bite Into it!

The Olmecs are said to be the ones who discovered chocolate. So, if you are wondering, ‘Who was the first person to eat chocolate?’, it was probably an Olmec. But what is the real history of Chocolate from bean to bar? So, let’s start from the very beginning…

The Origin of Chocolate

Clearly, chocolate is not a treat of today – it dates to ages. That’s right! It’s an age-old treat. In fact, if someone says that it is as old as time, it wouldn’t be doubtful or questionable at all. Undoubtedly, the history of chocolate goes back to several origins and years. So, it is quite difficult to pin-point the exact origin of chocolate – the first one. But there’s an acceptable theory that it was created by the Olmecs. Most importantly, the Olmecs created chocolate 5300 years ago. Moreover, you should know that it comes from cacao. And the oldest traces of cacao are found in the following regions:

  • American
  • Asian
  • African

Chocolate comes from trees. But now don’t go ahead imagining it hanging in bar-form like fruit on branches.

The word "chocolate" comes from the Nahuatl language

The tree of chocolate is called Theobroma cacao. Additionally, it was first found in South America in the Amazon forests. Later, these trees were domesticated in Central America. But this leads to our main starting question…

Why was Chocolate Invented?

When the Olmecs invented chocolate, they used it as a medicine. So, you can say that not all medicine is bitter. Can you imagine how delightful it must be for the Olmecs to get sick and have chocolate as medicine. Also, there’s a fun part. The chocolate they invented was in liquid form. So, they would drink it.

Are you aware?
Cacao trees can live up to 100 years.

When chocolate became popular among them, they started using it in their rituals of worship to please the deities they worshiped. Another thing you should know about chocolate history is that it was not called ‘chocolate’ by the Olmecs. This sweet concoction was nameless when it was in the hands of Olmecs. So, to answer the big question, ‘who invented chocolate?’ It was the Olmecs. And this leads us to the next question…

When Did Chocolate Get its Name?

Mayans were the ones who gave chocolate its name. However, they did not exactly call it ‘chocolate.’ This is another fun fact in the history of chocolate that it had a different name in the start. In the start, they called it “xocolatl.” Moreover, you should know that the meaning of this word is bitter water. But why bitter? Clearly, chocolate was liquid at the start. Andddddd it was also BITTER. Today, the manufacturing methods use preserves and other additional ingredients that give us a sweet product. But if you keep it in its natural state, chocolate is always bitter. Therefore, you can say that the Mayans were tasting today’s version of dark chocolate back in the day. Anyway, later, everyone in their culture started calling it ‘chocolate.’

Chocolate was considered a luxury item only for the elite.

Furthermore, you should know that Mayans invented chocolate to honor their gods. Although they had different chocolate ingredients, their final product tasted just the same as today’s dark chocolate – if in liquid form. Anyway, Mayans used it as medicine and religious – sacred – drink. But how did Mayans make it? Clearly, they roasted and ground cocoa beans to make the drink.

Fun Fact

Mayans also added several irrelevant ingredients in their chocolate. For example, chili's, cornmeal, and water.

Why was Chocolate Considered a Gift from God?

Truth be told, chocolate is a gift from God. After all, it is sweet and heart-winning. But because we’re talking about the origin here, let’s focus on the past. By the 15th century, chocolate reached the Aztecs. Moreover, they believed that it was a gift from their god. And because it was considered God-given, it was well-loved by the people. However, there is more to this story. After all, the Aztecs used it as their currency as well. With just a few beans of chocolate, they could buy and sell stuff.

For centuries, chocolate was consumed as a bitter, frothy drink made from ground cacao beans mixed with water.

What’s more, they even used it as an accessory edible item when they had to prepare for wars. According to them, it gave them strength to fight the wars with honor. In fact, it was their custom to head towards the battlegrounds after a few cups of chocolate. But all this is the talk of the past. When was chocolate modernized? Where is this part of the history of chocolate?

Did you know?

The world's largest chocolate bar weighed over 15,000 pounds. It was made in 2011 by Thorntons in the UK. Moreover, it was over 1,000 feet long and took 10 days to create!

Arrival in Europe

According to legends and rumors chocolate became a worldwide traveler in the 1500s. Clearly, that’s when it arrived in Europe. First, it was brought to Spain. And the credit for this goes to this Spanish explorer Hernán Cortés. You should know that this explorer brought chocolate to their homeland as a treat from God as well. The Explorer had set out for gold and riches but came back with the real gem: chocolate! Moreover, you should know that it was offered to the explorer by the Aztec Emperor. Immediately, the taste and texture of chocolate blew the mind of this explorer, and it had to be brought home. After all, he wanted his people to taste this deliciousness as well. Therefore, he brought it home with him.

Fun Fact

The Spanish took cocoa as a drink. They mixed sugar in the mixture to sweeten the overall taste.

After coming to Spain, chocolate became a popular drink. The Spanish people took an instant liking to it. A century later, it reached France. Gradually, the rest of Europe started trying this treat. Ultimately, several European countries set up their own cocoa plantations. It is thanks to their early plantation that so many countries are harvesting the cocoa for manufacturing chocolate today.

When Did Chocolate Become Popular?

After its arrival in Europe, chocolate became a delight for the European royalty. In fact, you should know that the common folks had no idea of what this sweet treat was – it was only sampled to the royals. But with time, the popularity of this sweet treat spread. In the 1800s, chocolate production was commercialized, and the common folks could eat it as well. Furthermore, you should know that the machine that was used for making chocolate had a name as well. It was called ‘chocolate press.’ This is another fun fact in the history of chocolate that you must know if you claim yourself as a chocolate enthusiast. Anyway, this sheet produced cocoa powder. Later, this powder was mixed with liquids and solidified – into bars. Undoubtedly, this is how and when your favorite treat chocolate was manufactured in the start.

The first chocolate bar was invented in 1847. It was invented by Fry's Chocolate in England. They discovered that adding cacao butter to the chocolate mixture created a solid, moldable chocolate

How is Chocolate Manufactured Today?

History of chocolate aside, today there are no silly ingredients in the chocolate making process. In fact, you can say that the chocolate is heavenly delicious today because of the improved manufacturing. That’s right! The chocolate bars today have an intricate composition. But the true magic of today’s chocolate is in the decedent process. Clearly, the cocoa beans go through several steps to become your beloved delicious bar. Here are the steps of the chocolate making process:

  1. Drying
  2. Roasting
  3. Grinding
  4. Tempering
  5. Refining

Needless to say, all these processes are very important for manufacturing the best-tasting chocolate. Clearly, the quality of all these processes is vital for a final product that is well-received by the people. Besides, no matter the types of chocolate, the process is mainly the same. So, whether dark, white, or milk chocolate, the process is almost the same for all these.

History of Chocolate – Evolution Through Years

Now that we know the basic history of chocolate. Let’s take a look at the proper timeline:

2500 BCE

Oldest known evidence of chocolate consumption! The location is Mesoamerica (present-day Mexico and Central America). Moreover, you should know that Ancient Mesoamericans consumed chocolate as a bitter drink made from ground cacao beans.

1500 BCE

According to the history of chocolate, this time around, Cacao beans became a form of currency. The location is Mesoamerica. Moreover, Cacao beans are used as a form of money in some cultures.

1000 BCE

Chocolate has become a luxury item! According to the history of chocolate, it was a luxury item that was limited only to the elites.

500 BCE

Aztecs and Mayans started cultivating the cacao trees. Clearly, this led to the foundation of chocolate being an everyday treat.

1519 CE

Ultimately, Cortés discovers the drink in Mexico and brings it back to Spain. It is a vital event in the history of chocolate and takes place in Mexico.

1520s CE – 1828 CE

During this period in the history of chocolate, it became a popular treat among the Spanish elite. Moreover, this popularity is spread to Europe, particularly in France, Italy, and England. Additionally, it is again used as a medicine by some practicing doctors. Most importantly, Van Houten invented a process to extract cocoa butter from cacao beans. Ultimately, this led to the creation of cocoa powder.

Modernization History of Chocolate





1868 CE

Cadbury introduces boxed chocolates


Cadbury introduces boxed chocolates, making chocolate more accessible to the masses.

1875 CE

Daniel Peter invented milk chocolate


Peter invented milk chocolate by adding condensed milk to the chocolate mixture.

1900s CE

Chocolate becomes a global industry


Chocolate becomes a global industry, with companies like Hershey's and Mars emerging.

2011 CE

World's largest chocolate bar is made


Thorntons creates the world's largest chocolate bar, weighing over 15,000 pounds.


Conclusion on History of Chocolate

History of Chocolate is very rich and interesting. The first people to try this delicacy were Olmecs. You should know that they used it as medicine and offered it to their God. The chocolate that they made was in liquid form. Afterwards, the Aztecs also took on this drink and named it chocolate. Additionally, you should know that the chocolate that they made was very natural and organic – no added sugars. Therefore, the chocolate they made was very bitter.

The oldest known evidence of chocolate consumption dates back to around 2500 BCE in ancient Mesoamerica.

Furthermore, the explorers and travelers spread this sweet treat to Europe. The European royalty took an instant liking to this treat and gave the manufacturers green light for its plantation. Moreover, today, this treat is not just cocoa. In fact, it also contains milk, sugar, butter and additives to give it its creaminess and indulgent taste. Ultimately, the history of chocolate journeys from beans to drink to sweet bars of today.

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